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Hergo Slagerijen

Hergo, the butcher with a chef’s hat! Under this name, we have four butcher shops in Amsterdam and Amstelveen, and have become a well-known name in the region. What do we value? Honest, high-quality meat. Working at Hergo means being part of an enthusiastic, dedicated team of butchers and sales staff. No two days are the same with us, and you will have plenty of opportunity to grow alongside our organization.


"Butcher, where does your meat come from?"
We consider sustainability and the origin of the product on your plate to be an important aspect. That’s why we offer meat that stands out in the following ways:

  • Raised naturally in the Netherlands
  • Animal-friendly
  • Space and freedom for the animal
  • Attention to animal and welfare
  • High-quality feed


Hergo slagerijen
Beethovenstraat 49
1077 HN Amsterdam
The Netherlands

KVK-nr: 33165087